


 文/GGV纪源资本管理合伙人Glenn Solomen

关于Glenn Solomon:Glenn于2006年加入纪源资本,目前担任管理合伙人。他主导了纪源资本对Pandora (NYSE: P)、 Zendesk (NYSE: ZEN)、 Square (NYSE: SQ)、 Successfactors (NYSE: SFSF/被 SAP收购)、Isilon(NASDAQ: ISLN/被EMC收购)、Quinstreet (NASDAQ: QNST)、Nimble Storage(NYSE:NMBL)、 Airbnb、 AlienVault、BitSight Technologies、Conviva、 DOMO、 Gridstore、 HashiCorp、NS1、Opendoor和 Restless Bandit、 Slack、 Synack的投资, 并帮助前七家公司成功上市。Glenn关注企业软件和服务(SaaS)、云基础建设和移动技术领域。他连续多年入选福布斯最佳创投人榜。

上周,我和我的一些同事有幸邀请到了Domo出色的首席产品官Catherine Wong和几位产品管理高级人员,共同出席了一场产品管理大师级的晚宴。




我在Domo董事会的工作中结识了Catherine,我们认识已经四年多了。Catherine加入Domo之前曾在Adobe工作,此前也在Omniture公司,与Domo现在的首席执行官兼创始人Josh James共事。Catherine是一位非常出色的高管。有关产品、工程和设计的内容都由她负责,她将Domo的产品变得非常强大。我们的讨论非常热烈,以下是其中的一些亮点:                                             













虽然许多公司将产品、设计和工程分为不同部门,但Catherine认为,由她来直接管理这三项,能赋予Domo一些独特的优势。 Catherine划分出了几个团队,每个团队中都有开发者、产品人员和设计人员。她将这些团队安排在一起,确保每个成员都能认同他们自己团队,认同自身的优势。通过这种方式,这些团队能变得更加灵活,并且熟悉自身的优势。当内部出现紧张局势的时候,也能处理好他们内部的关系。当拥有一个强大的领导者,并且每个团队领导之间有着健康的紧张关系时,伟大的事情随时可能会发生。






虽然在其他组织中并不都是这样,但Catherine相信销售的重要性,她的组织非常专注地满足销售部门的需求。为了帮助销售部门获得在市场上的成功,她在重新排序和重新确定产品某些功能的优先次序方面保持开放的态度。当冲突出现时,将冲突提交到首席执行官层面至关重要。首席执行官那时需要让销售和产品遵从他们曾立下的承诺。在公司内部设立一个囊括销售主管及其他职能部门高管的产品领导委员会(Product Leadership Counsel)非常关键。最后,产品负责人还必须学会列出功能公告,并且准备好在招待客户的活动中发布它们,用来帮助销售人员进行销售。



Catherine还提倡尽长时间地保持产品、工程和设计部门尽可能地扁平。当产品更新迭代速度放慢时,加入额外管理层级的需求会很明显。将平面设计和产品设计融合在一起,是确保优秀创意落地的关键。进行矩阵式报告(Matrix reporting),即产品、工程和设计人员既要向各自的领导报告,也要向所属的团队报告,这种方式能够确保设计和功能发布时间的一致性。


关于CatherineWong:Catherine Wong是DOMO首席产品官。她曾供职于Adobe和Omniture,拥有超过13年的软件工程师的经验。她在数据分割、数据可视化和SaaS数据收集方面获得了专利。她为Domo团队带来了丰富的技术和工程管理经验。







This past week, a few of my colleagues andI had the good fortune to host Catherine Wong, Domo’s amazing Chief ProductOfficer, along with several up and coming product management execs for aProduct Management master class dinner.  I’ve gotten to know Catherinereally well over the past 4+ years in my work on the Domo board. Catherine joined Domo from Adobe, and she had previously worked with Domo CEO& Founder Josh James at Omniture.  She’s an incredibleexecutive.  Product, engineering and design all report into Catherine, andshe’s turned Domo’s product into a powerhouse.  The discussion waslively.  Here are a few of the highlights:


§ Use a Multi-Layer Cake Strategy to GetCustomer Feedback for an Enterprise Product.

 It can be difficult to get deep customer feedback for enterpriseproducts.  Catherine prescribes using many different approaches.  Forexample,。

(i) develop a customer advisory board (CAB) and make sure thedevelopers and product teams get to listen in to their conversations to get theemotion of the feedback, not just the metrics,。

(ii) run usability tests andmake sure the developers and product teams are there to observe them。

(iii)listen in to support calls (even have developers take some of the supportcalls) and beta program feedback sessions,。

(iv) develop direct lines ofcommunication with your most advanced customers AND the customers who breakyour product most frequently to understand why,。

(v) appoint a dedicated supportliaison within product。

 (vi) have a feedback button within yourproduct.  Catherine believes its imperative that the engineering, designand product teams viscerally feel the feedback from the market, so each ofthese techniques is key.


§ Managing Product, Design & Engineering TogetherHas its Benefits.  

Although many companies split thesethree disciplines into distinct units, Catherine believes having each under hergives Domo some unique advantages. Catherine has created several pods withdevelopers and embedded product and design folks. She seats each pod togetherand ensures the members identify with their pod and the features they each own.The pods develop more agility this way, getting to know their features well andallowing the pods to draw on their relationships when tension arises. With astrong leader and a healthy tension amongst the leaders of each of thesegroups, great things can happen.


§ Manage By Influence forMaximum Success.

 Catherine stressed that the ability to influence is critical to succeed in theProduct Leadership role.  To manage inevitable conflicts with peer leadersof engineering and sales, find core company goals that everyone is agreed onand map the conflict back to the core goals.  Demonstrate empathy as well– most people respond best to a human connection.  Also, seek seniormentors in the organization to ensure you have the big picture context. Withyour team, you can never be too stingy with praise, and little things can meana lot (such as a sticker series for new feature releases).  Managing byinfluence with the development team can really come in handy when theinevitable tension arises when deciding between fixing “broken windows” andcleaning up technical debt in the product versus working on new, excitingfeatures.


§ The Product & Engineering OrganizationsNeed to Focus on Sales. 

Although this isn’t always the casein other organizations, Catherine believes in the primacy of Sales, and herorganization is very focused on serving the needs of Sales as a result.  Whileshe believes in keeping an open mind with respect to re-ordering andre-prioritizing certain features to help Sales win in the field, she draws theline at fracturing the code base however.  When conflicts arise,escalation to the CEO is critical.  The CEO then needs to hold both Salesand Product accountable to the commitments they’ve made.  Setting up aProduct Leadership Counsel internally that includes execs from Sales as well asother functions is key.  Lastly, the Product leader must also learn toline up feature announcements and be prepared to charismatically launch them atcustomer events to help Sales.


§ Keep Your Organizational Structure FlatWherever Possible.  

Catherine also preacheskeeping the product, engineering and design organization as flat as possiblefor as long possible. The need to insert additional management layers will beapparent when new feature production slows.  Embedding both graphic designand production design together is key to ensure great ideas make it toproduction.  Matrix reporting so that product, engineering and design alsoreport into their respective leaders as well as their pods will ensureconsistency of design and feature rollout timing.


Thanks to Catherine for her amazing advice and to all whojoined for participating in a great evening!









GGV纪源资本成立于2000年,是一家专注于中美两地早中期企业的风险投资机构,管理8支基金,共计38亿美元的资产,在硅谷、上海和北京设有办公室。作为硅谷最早投资中国企业的风险投资基金之一 , GGV投资过包括阿里巴巴、滴滴出行、去哪儿、YY、Airbnb、Square、Wish、小红书等两百余家公司。截止2017年2月,其投资的公司中有29家已经上市,未上市公司中有17家估值超过10亿美元的独角兽公司,5家估值超过5亿美元的准独角兽公司。



